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1.graduate program 研究生

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1. fantasy (n.) 幻想

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Willa CatherVan Vechten - Willa Cather.jpg

Willa Sibert Cather (December 7, 1873– April 24, 1947) was an American author who achieved recognition for her novels of frontierlife on the Great Plains, in works such as O Pioneers!My Ántonia, and The Song of the Lark. In 1923 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for One of Ours (1922), a novel set during World War I. Cather grew up in Nebraska and graduated from the University of Nebraska. She lived and worked in Pittsburgh for ten years,[2] then at the age of 33 she moved to New York, where she lived for the rest of her life.

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1. Bildungsroman  教養小說; 教育小說(描述主角心理成長及道德教育的小說)

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David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.

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Araby (short story)

"Araby" is a short story by James Joyce published in his 1914 collection Dubliners.

Araby means a splendid bazzar 

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1. 選擇題

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《奧瑞斯特斯三部曲》: Agamemnon《阿格曼儂》The Libation Bearers《祭奠者》The Eumenides《佑護神》

第三部《佑護神》(The Eumenides)中,最後奧瑞斯特(Orestes)殺母罪行的解除,但是為了處理對他的控告的智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)建立了法庭陪審團制度。對復仇女神(Furies)控告他殺母的滔天大罪,雅典娜帶領了由十二個公民組成的陪審團來審判。在智慧女神雅典娜的主持之下,建立了公立的法庭和陪審制度,私人間的仇恨從此由法院審判,不能繼續自行了斷。復仇女神本來不服,但在智慧女神耐心的勸導與寬厚的讓步下,使這些原來專為死者伸冤復仇的女神,終於改變成仁慈的佑護之神(本來該劇名Eumenides的原意就是Kind Spirits),他們可以協助維持家庭和國家的秩序和正義。同時雅典娜女神的看法和決定也可看出作者艾斯奇勒斯的愛國情操。由復仇之神轉變成佑獲之神,也象徵著一切都可以以公平、公正的審判來代替「以牙還牙」和私人長期血拼的傳統。因此開啟了一個嶄新的文明的時代。

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Der Tod in Vonedig 魂斷威尼斯  (Death in Venice)

作者:Thomas Mann 

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fetch a cab (紐約道地講法)= call a taxi

call a wizard

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1.What's the young adult fiction?

Young adult fictions are stories of my past recollection, present analysis, and future anticipation. Just like the role of Cassandra in Aeschylus Agamemnon, reading them reminds me of the versatile possibilities. I am going to encouter, the connection of resolution I've learned in them, as well as the reflection I 've been going through in real life. For example, the stuffs including school sex, parents that Holden Caulfied talks about in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye resh my merory.

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1.What is "Young-Adult Fiction" mean?

Ans:Young-Adult fictions are stories about underages encouter some difficulties and tried to resolve it or run away from it.

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